We are grateful for the Executive Order rescindment! Federal Funding is a critical part of the PLACE’s ability to deliver services to youth experiencing homelessness in our community. Thank you for supporting us so we can continue our vital services.

All donations to this appeal will be part of our general funds so that we can allocate these funds to the programs impacted by this pause. We are working through private foundations, individuals, and state grants to ensure youth in our community do not feel the impact. 

Housing Programs

Each youth receives individualized Housing Case Management where they identify their desired outcomes and challenges, then map out small, achievable goals to reach them. The PLACE operates four housing programs, which vary in duration and case management support depending on youth needs: Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Rental and Utility Assistance, and the Transitional Living Program.

Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is an intervention that combines affordable housing assistance with voluntary support services to address the needs of those who have experienced homelessness. The PLACE has deployed permanent supportive housing in a scattered site model for more than a decade utilizing vouchers and leasing dollars in units held by private landlords or partner nonprofits. Supportive services offered through our case managers and collaborative partners build independent living and tenancy skills, create access to healthcare, clear a pathway to education and employment opportunities, and link young adults with groups and projects that increase social and emotional wellness.

Rapid Re-Housing

This program provides rent, utilities assistance, & a moderate level of case management support for up to a 24-month timeframe but typically for 12 months or less.

Transitional Housing

This CoC housing program provides rent and utilities assistance, and case management support to youth for typically for 12-month time period.

Transitional Living Program

This program provides youth ages 16 through 21 with single unit, dorm-style housing as a step into independent living. The current model utilizes two four-bedroom homes located adjacent to each other to allow for ease of case management across the two sites.

Program Impact
During the 2022 fiscal year, 133 youth entered Housing programs with The PLACE. 75% of those who exited the program moved onto another stable place.

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Ready to Help 24/7

If you are a youth aged 15 to 24 experiencing homelessness, don’t hesitate to reach out, no matter the day or time. We’re here to help you find the support and resources you need to transition out of homelessness and build a self-determined, fulfilling life.